GrAT provides its expertise through projects. Lifespan of a project varies from 6 months to 5 years. The clients also vary from a private company to a multinational institution. Three components – themes, modalities, and deliverables – define a project. Often more than theme is dealt with through in a combined set of methods to generate diverse results and outcomes. 

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Design for Green Growth – DfGG

The ‘Training on Product and Service Design for Green Growth (DfGG)’ was a special training program, organised under the framework of the Korea Green Growth Policy. It aimed to provide business planners and designers in Korean enterprises with an opportunity...
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Development of a Standard Recycling Rate Estimation Method and Guideline for EU WEEE Directive

Cleaner Production Technology Research; Industry-University Cooperation Foundation of Yeungnam University, Korea
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S-HOUSE Veranstaltungen

S-HOUSE Events The S-HOUSE offers space and infrastructure for various events, e.g. company meetings or workshops, and provides guided tours to students, home-builders, architects and the public. They can learn about the building technologies and materials used in the awarded...
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ICSAD Alpbach 2007

International Competition on Sustainable Architecture and Design 2007 GrAT organized ICSAD 2007 to give architecture students an insight on sustainable building solutions and to encourage them to integrate this new perspective in their design activities. With the funding of Austrian...

ICSAD Shanghai

International Competition on Sustainable Architecture and Design at the EXPO Shanghai  The competition ICSAD invites students from around the world to send in their designs for sustainable buildings. The selected students of the ICSAD 2010 convened at the EXPO Shanghai...