- LIFE - platform in Marchegg Castle / Lower Austria
On 09th and 10th April 2019 the 21st LIFE platform took place in Marchegg Castle in Lower Austria. The conference was organized by the Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism (BMNT), the office of the Lower Austrian government, department RU5 nature conservation and the viadonau waterway society.
Invited to the network meeting were the participants of all ongoing and planned LIFE projects in Austria. GrAT was represented by Dr. Robert Wimmer. On the two days of the event there was the opportunity to present updates on the status of the project implementation, to exchange information and communicate with like-minded people.
Representatives of the LIFE-Unit from Brussels as well as the external team NEEMO Particip from Freiburg informed the participants first-hand about the current LIFE Call and the new LIFE Call (opened on 04.04.2019). A detailed program with all speakers and presentations you can find here.
In a boat trip on 9th April, the guests were able to get an idea of the extensive and impressive revitalization measures on the March carried out by viadonau waterway society together with the WWF.