GrAT is a scientific association for research and development of Appropriate Technology for developing and developed countries. Since 1986, GrAT has proposed and demonstrated conceptual and practical solutions for sustainable development.
We believe the new way of technology development should contribute to the improvement of quality of life, yet, it should be responsible for its social and ecological consequences at the same time.
To reach the goal, GrAT conducts the whole processes of R&D project entailing analysis, planning, design, implementation, monitoring and dissemination. Furthermore, the knowledge gained from those projects is fed into the educational programmes for college and university students, as well as into practical training and capacity building programmes for professionals and individuals. It provides innovative and sophisticated consultancy services to governmental institutions, communities, and companies.
Projects are funded by different national and international institutions, such as European Commission, UN organisations, Ministries, Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), and other public or private organisations.

“Appropriate Technology for All”
Today, sustainable solutions are urgently needed not only for developing countries, but also developed ones. The long-term vision/mission of GrAT is to develop environmentally sound and affordable technical and institutional solutions. GrAT demonstrates the feasibility of those solutions in regional circumstances and demands.
“Technology for Human and Environment”
The R&D themes and activities of GrAT are oriented to adapt technologies to human needs and environmental boundary conditions, not vice versa. Holistic and appropriate solutions can be generated from transdisciplinary down-to-earth design approaches.
In the last three decades GrAT has initiated, developed, demonstrated, and replicated need-oriented, resource-efficient, and sustainable solutions for different industrial sectors, regions, and people according to its vision. The list below highlights its milestones.
1986 Foundation of GrAT & first course of Appropriate Technology at TU Wien
1988 International Symposium “Appropriate Technology – a new way of dealing with technology”
1995 Opening of the open demonstration centre BÖZAT
1996 Robert Wimmer appointed to the President of GrAT
2005 Completion and opening of the S-House
2015 10th Anniversary of S-House
2016 30th Anniversary of GrAT – International Symposium
Major accomplishments of GrAT include the ‘S-HOUSE’ (2001-2005), straw bale certification system (2007-2010), Product-Service System business models and training (2006-2012), Zero Carbon Resorts in the Philippines (2009-2014), and Sustainable and Efficient Industrial Development in Nepal and Bhutan (2012-2015). Some of the activities were recognised to win inter/national awards.

GrAT-Head Office, Austria, Vienna
GrAT Center for Appropriate Technology
Technische Universität Wien
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8–10
1040 Vienna, Austria
00 43 1 58801 49535

Branch Office, S-House BOEZAT
Obere Hauptstraße 38
3071 Böheimkirchen
+43 (0) 660 1281283

Project Office - Thimphu, Bhutan
Opposite to DGPC, Lower Changangkha, Thori Lam, Thimphu, Bhutan
+975 – 02-323 288

Project Office - Manila, Philippines
+632 559 9712 +63927 852 8965

Global Human Settlements Award on Planning and Design (New York, USA, 2015)
05-30-2017 / 02:59:43
The Global Human Settlement Award is an annual worldwide prize launched by Global Forum on Human Settlement (GFHS) to promote exemplar contributions towards sustainable development. The Zero Carbon Resorts Demonstration Building – Energy...

Oesterreichischer Staatspreis fuer Architektur und Nachhaltigkeit (Austria, 2006)
05-30-2017 / 02:59:43