GrAT provides its expertise through projects. Lifespan of a project varies from 6 months to 5 years. The clients also vary from a private company to a multinational institution. Three components – themes, modalities, and deliverables – define a project. Often more than theme is dealt with through in a combined set of methods to generate diverse results and outcomes.

EU SWITCH-Asia “SHINE” Project – Sustainable Hospitality Industry Inclusive of Native Entrepreneurs in Bhutan
SHINE aims at developing sustainable tourism models in rural areas of Eastern Bhutan, with emphasis on indigenous food, handicraft, knowledge and culture.READ MORE

SANARO – Sanierung mit nachwachsenden Rohstoffen
Demonstration of a reuse and conversion concept with direct reuse and upcycling of building components and building materials.READ MORE

Life Cycle Habitation – Demonstration Project with Carbon Neutral Construction and Innovative Energy Supply System
The aim of the “LCH” project is to demonstrate innovative building concepts and to reduce CO2 emissions as well as resource and energy consumption over the entire life cycle of a building. LCH is going to be CO2 neutral over...READ MORE

S-HOUSE – Innovative Nutzung von nachwachsenden Rohstoffen am Beispiel eines Büro- und Ausstellungsgebäudes
With the S-House, the Factor 10 concept was implemented. It means that the consumption of resources during the construction was reduced by 90%, i.e. only a tenth part of the resources was used in comparison to an equivalent building built...READ MORE

Energie zum Leben – ENZL
Pupils learn about appropriate technologies and their use in cross-cultural energy services (e.g., cooking with renewable energy) in a playful manner and by means of their own research. The will understand the relevance of research, technology and innovation for their...READ MORE

Simulationsunterstützte Designoptimierung Lebenszyklus orientierter Gebäude – SIM4DLG
The project is aiming at a reduction of the energy consumption towards energy self-sufficiency due to the use of dynamic simulations as well as an improvement of the planning processes themselves. As a result, an optimisation of the performance in...READ MORE